Tuesday, November 30, 2010

to a new beginning

life's full of gives and takes. i guess, i just gave on something today and got something back in good amount too. and i know its not going to turn out like how ive planned it but i hope this is the path that was meant for me by Him, the almighty :) yes, so ive moved back to bangi to live with my family and 45 mins away from izzat. though i will always miss him. in fact(!), i miss him already. he left 2 hours ago after i got him to stay abit longer to hang out with me abit here in bangi. now that he is not around, its lonely i guess. maybe im too used to him clinging around me. we're just too attached together and we find it hard to be apart.

so today, i went to college to do my clearance. and finally realize that, gosh, im no longer a student anymore. when i waited for my number to come up, was having quite a bit of staring contest with the clearance form! and it just hit me. i am no longer a student anymore! and i know this is the moment that ive been waiting for my whole college years. but some how, i miss all the staying up late 2 nights straight finishing up assignments, studying for exams, going to classes early in the morning. oh, and its a normal faze for an ex-student to have this mutual feelings. right?

tomorrow! i am going to open up a new chapter of my life. where i am finally going to the real world. exposing to the actual graphic industries. i am a graphic designer now. its exciting, though i am already feeling like im carrying a massive yet heavy duty for a 20 year old, its quite big i guess? im scared. should i be? i hope life will treat me good this time.

1 comment:

TinaSofea said...

yeah..u gonna miss those feeling but m not liking it since m in project state now..hahaha