Monday, November 22, 2010

MEOW town

so i flew to kuching,sarawak on the 18th november! and it was my second flight alone! got quite lonely and boring while i was in the flight actually but when i arrived he was there infront of the arrival exit waiting for me. it felt nice to see someone i love waiting on the other side. kuching trip turned out pretty cool, exclude the fact that the road was 90% bumpy hihi.NOT KIDDING. so i had a nice 4 days 3 nights with family of my dearest boyfriend. and insyallah, if god's willing i would love to come back :) took some amazing pictures though it wasnt as many like the langkawi's pictures due to time limits at kuching.


i arrived kuching around 3pm, glad that i landed safely because i had a rough flight. flew on a bad weather day. when i arrived izzat's home, chatted a little with izzat's mum and help her around for BBQ night preparations. so basically my first day there, we had BBQ and got to meet eda my ex-roomate back when she was still studying here in shah alam and some izzat's close friends. after BBQ night, izzat took me an hour-or-so tour around kuching.


day two we went around kuching and bought some nice souvenirs. got to see kuching's DUN building and see the famous boat or palembang in actual term. also, i had some nice rojak and the famous swee kang's ABC. it was delicious! after driving through kuching's town and some nice rojak, auntie took me for manicure and pedicure. it was my first manicure and pedicure and i actually liked it


on the third day, they took me to cultural village but we only got to stay there around an hour or less! everyone woke up late and we arrive there pretty late too. so i only got to see the native dances and their homes. but it was fun climbing up the narrow stairs though :) so i didnt actually get to see the cultural village, so izzat took me to damai puri resort santubong instead and see the beach there. it wasnt the best beach i have ever seen but the mountain views was lovely and i also got to see the famous gunung santubong. for dinner, i had some nice seafood dishes at roack road (excluding the prawn as i am allergic to it) also i got to see allison (the little girl on my lap) sing papaku pulang dari kota song. cute! although she doesnt understand a word of what she is singing hihi :) to end the lovely day, we got home only to found out that their arowana's died :s


to end my kuching trip, on the fourth day izzat took me to cats muzium and muzium of sarawak. had alot of fun at the cats muzium. gotta know some facts about cats! on my last day, i had the courage and being brave to hold up bobo! but he looked surprised in the picture hahaha

4 days and 3 nights might actually sound long, but it was quite short for me. i didnt have all the ticks in my checklist of visit kuching, but i will get them all next time. while i was there, i got to see izzat's and adek's and beb's school, i got to see the not so clean river of kuching (LOL), the amazing cultural village, had a nice manicure and pedicure, also i got to meet BOBO and jack!! oh and did i tell you, i dyed my hair black? yes, and its well dark! anyways, i would love to come back soon and thank you izzat's family for having me! now that im back in KL, i am craving for rojak and SUGAR BUN!!!!! :)

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