Wednesday, June 1, 2011

hey old friend

oh hello there, my dear blog!

couldnt see you behind all that life thats been going on. well, a lot of things has been done since the last time ive updated you! so lets see...hmm okay, i am now officially a junior graphic designer where i design corporate annual reports and above and below the line advertisements. my company's clients are all those big time companies like, RHB, air asia, MTD and more. i got confirmation after 3 months of prohibition , so thats a good sign. it has been tough, and i mean it. but the experience is just what i want actually. without guide at my current agency, i wouldnt even know HALF of the things that i havent even learn at college during diploma. im really thankful of what i have now and where i am. sure, i wont be staying at this agency for like another 5 years, but what i have now is more that what ive asked. so, thank you GOD. thank you for guiding me and keeping me in patience. ive always wanted that. oh yes, during this 5 months period of my working experience i have been maki (but not in any explicit languages, my boss is really nice) but i guess, i should thank papa. because i will only learn whenever ive been scolded. as bad as it sounds, i now know i only learn stuff like that haha

although, with my busy days at work (most of the time) i do tend to forget izzat abit. and i apologize. never meant to, but i have always been a forgetful girl. i guess he gets it now, though sometimes he still get mad at me whenever i forget about him hihi. but really, most of the time i am busy and my head is somewhere. just not with him. but when i finished work, hes the first person i go and look! my mother cant even beat that, yeah and i mean it. and yes i know how bad do i sound now but c'mon? really? im sure you guys do the same right? lol well it has been 2 years and 5 months now. has it really been that long? i feel like it was just yesterday when he laid his eyes on me again :) though he has been catching my heart times to times. as usual, he will always find a way to make me fall in love with him again and again! izzat does have a soft part of him, and pemurah orgnya! and i mean it. thats the best part i see in him :) but above that all, the only thing that counts is HE LOVES ME AND ONLY ME. not that girl, not that bitch or and oh! definately, not her haha. me :) im pretty much happy actually. i just love you so much. :) thank you for being you and thank you for US!

and so, yesterday ive made another mistake in my life. which is, DRUM ROLL PLEASE! *tap tap tap.... i went and cut my hair again. damn. well i have this thing, where i cannot stand being in the saloon! creepy but i love it when people plays with my hair. though i did get some good comments from my colleagues. but ITS ABIT SHORT NOW IS ITTTT. why did i even...urgh. but i came to a solution, where i will need RM25 to get a bottle of shampoo that will make your hair grows faster than usual. like 'FAST5' kind of fast ya'know! narh, im exaggerating! (and i learn that alot from izzat! haha sorry baby! :3) but the gay hair stylist did say it will. so i will try to get my hands on that, hihi!

short, no? well it will grow. right? *ME HOPES!

moving on, other than my hair evolution (LOL) before that, ignore my big fat giant LUKA on my nose, that was my attempt on popping out the pimple. obviously, i failed. and got luka instead. i also lost my ring. which i am very upset about for a while now!! i mean, i love the my ring more than ever. more than my blackberry! (okay, slow down there girl! now youre talking crap hihi) really. i am really sad of my careless and my oh so skinny fingers (it is! i know im fat but my hands are really small. so the ring is a bit loose) :'( kesian izzat. now all i have is his necklace which he gave for our first anniversary. which is snapped, the necklace that is. its not my fault (me inside: it is your fault! humph!), the necklace is very thin. so i will need to replace it soon. i would really love to wear it again, soon!

see? no ring, and no trace of my necklace too. its abit weird actually. been wearing it for a year then it is suddenly got lost. my hands feels so naked and the colour difference on my finger still can be seen. *sigh! and izzat is really pissed at me about this. which makes me feel even worst!

i also got a new piercing. will change my stud soon and put on more studs on my other piercing holes too. being such a rabble! sorry mama hehe im getting another piercing, the same kind but with a stud going through 2 holes. but on the other ear. you get what i mean? well i will update soon. keep it coming, ana! haha

other than that, thats all i feel like talking about. much love, people! :)

me loves you :3

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