Sunday, June 12, 2011


im full as hell (well, yesterday that is.) i went to two weddings! and ate bunch of calories and carbs. i mean, it got me thinking im already gaining weird though my boyfriend thinks i havent so. its weird. i dont wanna be fat. im not those girls who obsess with weight gaining kind of idea and getting fat and shit but lets be real here. do you feel good when your thighs cant get through your old jeans? haha been there. so what im saying here, yes i would like to have a nice figure and i do cut a bit lunch and dinner here and there but the idea of getting skinny never got me to cut my whole daily meal or go on diets or even worst, force-puking myself. no not me. so girls, never hold your cravings. i come from genes who very much gets "healthy" just as soon if i dont watch what im eating. but who can say no to food? dont be obsessive. love yourself.

so about weddings, which i love! from food to its tradition. the groom and the bride looks beautiful! they look pretty much inlove. not sure when they knew each other, but they have these slideshows of their pictures together since couple and stuff. it was sweet and i hope it'll last :) congrats aunty sue's daughter (okay i sound horrible for not remembering the bride's name! :s)

i have a picture in my head how my wedding will look like. hey, im a girl. you can never stop a girl from day dreaming :) im a traditional girl. though its the 2011 now, and i have seen and went to weddings who doesnt follow any of those old traditional malay weddings anymore. but when its my time, im going to have a wedding like one of those wedding back in the olden days. well atleast i hope so

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